The Power of the Moment

Our challenge is to use the moments well and to create the meaning one moment at a time.

I really enjoyed watching the Oscar nominated movie Boyhood recently.

It’s a great movie with a valuable message. The movie serves as a poignant reminder of how quickly time passes and provides a very honest look into each of the character’s struggles to make life meaningful. Most of us have had the experience of Patricia Arquette’s character when we throw up our hands and say “Really? Is this all there is?” And the answer is yes, this moment is all there is. Our challenge is to use the moments well and to create the meaning one moment at a time.

The ending made the point that it’s not about seizing the moment, we’re already in it. We have to inhabit the moment; live it, be aware of it, be present with it and be grateful for it. And we can’t do any of that while staring at an iPad or a smart phone.  

Not every moment is going to be filled with excitement and adventure. Sometimes we have to take care of the things that will make tomorrow smoother. But we also need to be mindful of doing what we can to create moments of happiness today–because that’s all we’ve got. I particularly appreciated Ethan Hawke’s character for the fact that he simply tried to make the most of the time he had with his kids. He didn’t spend his time with them focusing on how awful it was that he didn’t get more time or on what he was missing. He loved his kids enough to give them his full attention while he was with them.

If we simply live today to the best of our ability, with love and loving intention, that’s enough isn’t it?

Photo by Susanna Marsiglia on Unsplash

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